Our database allows you to find pediatricians and gynecologists who specialize in pediatric and adolescent gynecology in Austria.
You can search for a specialist in your area by entering a postal code, city or province, or find specialists in your area by entering your place of residence.
Facharzt/Fachärztin für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe = Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
Facharzt/Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde = Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine
When should a Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologist be consulted?
Before the onset of menstruation in case of:
- recurrent itching or swelling in the genital area,
- burning or reddening of the labia,
- adhesion or changes in the labia,
- inflammation and infection,
- noticeable discharge,
- bleeding,
- nonspecific lower abdominal pain,
- changes in the skin,
- growth disorders,
- breast and pubic hair development before the age of 8,
- absence of menstruation even after the age of 16;
After the onset of menstruation in case of:
- menstrual pain,
- frequent and/or conspicuously heavy bleeding,
- inflammations and infections,
- abnormalities in breast development,
- changes in the skin,
- absence of menstruation
- for counseling regarding HPV vaccination (more information),
- for contraceptive counseling and education about sexually transmitted diseases,
- clarification of sexually transmitted disease,
- in the case of a change in eating behavior associated with a sharp change in weight (more information);
„Is everything normal with me?“
Trained pediatric and adolescent gynecologists are also the right people to talk to if adolescents have questions about their own development or sexuality. Many concerns and problems can already be solved in a conversation.
Unfortunately, sexual cyberbullying is becoming more and more common. Youth and children’s gynecologists as well as the möwe child protection centers and Saferinternet.at offer support to those affected, which is very important in such cases of need.
Especially when clarifying a suspicion of sexual violence, well-founded experience in child and adolescent gynecology is necessary. Only in this way can it be prevented that girls need to be reexamined several times after an experience of abuse due to ambiguities and thus become even more traumatized. Especially in this complex and sensitive area, a good network of experts from related disciplines is essential.